Unique cat names are, funnily enough, rising in popularity – thus creating another one of those cat name dilemmas. Your unique name of today… might end up as tomorrow’s most popular cat name!
So if you don’t want that to happen too quickly (and you’d be unlucky if it did), now is the time to do a bit of cat names research.
What does “a unique cat name” mean to you? Here are several definitions for the word unique: creative, inventive, original, individual… and distinctive! In other words, you’re looking for something that’s interesting and different.
How can I find unique cat names?
Good question!
Let’s face it, if a name really is that unique, you’re not going to find it staring you in the face in the popular cat name lists. Or are you?
Unique doesn’t necessarily mean unknown, however. There may be plenty of cat names you would consider unique for one reason or another.
It’s true that finding a unique cat name takes perhaps a little more thought than plumping for a popular name. And a little more research.
Let’s take a look at a range of unique cat names – or cat names, that for one reason or another, can be called unique 🙂
Unique Cute Cat Names
First things first, cats are one of the cutest, if not the cutest pets. As cute as they are, there are some unique cute cat names you could give to your new kitten.
- Albino
- Ashes
- Baby Bear
- Baby Doll
- Bat Cat
- Big Foot
- Big n
- Bitsy
- Black Ace
- Blackberry
- Blacky
- Bob Cat
- Boots
- Britches
- Brown Spots
- Buffie
- Bunny
- Bushy
- Buttons
- Cali
- Calley
- Carbon
- Celia
- Chocolate
- Chubbs
- Cinder
- Coco Bear
- Cookie
- Cotton
- Cottontail
- Cream
- Curly
- Curry
- Daylight
- Dog
- Droopy
- Freckles
- Fudge
- Fuzz Ball
- Ghost
- Gray Bear Gray Cat
- Hobbles
- Hummel
- Klein
- Kui
- Kut
- Licorice
- Liesel
- Lilly White
- Lumpy
- Madame
- Mama Cat
- Many Paws
- Midget
- Minnie Paws
- Monsieur
- Onyx
- Oso
- Panda
- Piglet
- Porker
- Pudden
- Puddy Tat
- Puffy
- Q Ball
- Rainbow
- Red
- Runt
- Satin
- Sausage Dog
- Schotzie
- Scrwny
- Simba
- Slinky
- Smidgen
- Snow Bear
- Snowy
- Socks
- Stripie
- Swirl
- Tippy
- Twiggy
- Ugly
Unique Famous Cat Names
And you thought that famous and popular names could not be unique. Take a look at these names below and you will find out that when you use these names as cat names they sound quite unique.
- Amadeus
- Aristotle
- Arlo
- Armani
- Benson
- Bo Diddly
- Bogart
- Bojangles
- Caesar
- Carter
- Cato
- Che
- Chevalier
- Chopin
- Churchill
- Cicero
- Coolidge
- Cousteau
- Da Vinci
- Dali
- Darcy
- Descartes
- Dickens
- Dillinger
- Dionysus
- Dylan
- Eiffel
- Eliot
- Emeril
- Emerson
- Errol
- Euripides
- Gable
- Garfield
- Ghirardelli
- Gillespie
- Gretzky
- Groucho
- Hadrian
- Hannibal
- Hayes
- Hemmingway
- Hercules
- Hermes
- Holmes
- Homer
- Leonardo
- Macbeth
- Machiavelli
- Madison
- Matiss
- Mau
- Merlin
- Michelangelo
- Moliere
- Monet
- Nureyev
- Patton
- Pavarotti
- Perseus
- Picasso
- Plato
- Polk
- Pollock
- Quixote
- Rodin
- Rossini
- Rothchild
- Samson
- Schrodinger
- Seuss
- Shakespeare
- Spartacus
- Tao
- Tiger
- Tyler
- Voltaire
Unique Exotic Cat Names
Exotic cat names are almost similar to unique cat names. These names tend to be rare and not used as cat names often. But for all you exotic types, here is a list of exotic names for cats that are unique.
- Aesop
- Allegra
- Anika
- Argent
- Arpege
- Athena
- Babbage
- Bagus
- Batik
- Battina
- Batur
- Bordeaux
- Buckminster
- Caruso
- Cavour
- Chin
- Chinook
- Chit
- Cho
- Coquette
- Emery
- Eros
- Gagarin
- Gede
- Geisha
- Indria
- Kadek
- Kenya
- Misha
- Mya
- Myshkin
- Nadja
- Niello
- Odysseus
- Orpheus
- Parzival
- Poucival
- Quirinus
- Raka
- Rollmop
- Saffron
- Sanur
- Sawan
- Shakira
- Shana
- Tanja
- Than
- Tonka
- Toulouse
- Tuban
- Turandot
- Una
- Uri
- Venezia
- Wayan
- Xerxes
- Yakira
- Yara
- Ylang-Ylang
- Yoko
- Zanzibar
- Zenobia
- Zenzi
- Zerlinda
- Zeta
- Zeya
- Zucchero
- Wellington
- Winfrey
- Yale
- Zorro
Unique Cool Cat Names
Do you have a cool cat? Almost all cats are cool. So, giving your cat a cool name is a almost natural. Let’s see some of unique at names for cool cats.
- Ahab
- Al Capone
- Aphrodite
- Anaida
- Bacardi
- Benita
- Bo Diddley
- Augustus
- Beethoven
- Botticelli
- Brando
- Buddah
- Carte
- Chaplin
- Cleopatra
- Columbus
- Confucius
- Cromwell
- Dante
- D’Artagnan
- Darwin
- Dizzy
- Edison
- Einstein
- Elton
- Elvis
- Evita
- Brahma
- Cheetah
- Coltrane
- Feiry
- Fela
- Fenny
- Farrah
- Fellini
- Freud
- Galahad
- Galileo
- Ganymede
- Gershwin
- Hamlet
- Heathcliff
- Hiawatha
- Huntress
- Inferno
- IQ
- Jade
- Jaguar
- Jaws
- Frekkles
- Hues
- Jaggy
- Jesty
- Jumper
- Junior
- Jazz
- Joker
- Jupiter
- Kahuna
- Karma
- Khan
- Houdini
- Kennedy
- Leopold
- Lincoln
- Livingston
- Knight
- Lamborghini
- Latifa
- Lexicon
- Logan
- Magnum
- Keira
- Kimia
- Lazelo
- Lilian
- Magneto
- Mahi
- Marco Polo
- Marilyn
- Matisse
- Malik
- Malt
- Marlowe
- Mars
- Maverick
- Maximus
- McQueen
- Merlot
- Mir
- Mirage
- Mocha
- Ming
- Miha
- Mihaz
- Mimi
- Moza
- Mozart
- Myna
- Mulder
- Mystery
- Mystique
- Neptune
- Nicholson
- Ninja
- Napoleon
- Newton
- Noah
- Pele
- Pericles
- Omega
- Orion
- Pierce
- Poker
- Porsche
- Pretty Boy Floyd
- Puccini
- Pushkin
- Nashala
- Pilot
- Piper
- Pistol
- Racer
- Ray
- Puma
- Radar
- Rambo
- Ranger
- Rebel
- Remington
- Rex
- Rico
- Rocco
- Rocket
- Rocko
- Rocky
- Rembrandt
- Romeo
- Roni
- Royalle
- Rumi
- Russell
- Rustian
- Ruwi
- Vegas
- Viking
- Yang
- Yin
- Scat
- Sailor
- Sammy
- Sapphire
- Seeker
- Seira
- Shafaya
- Sherlock
- Sinatra
- Silver Stone
- Sohar
- Sonja
- Speedo
- Spinner
- Sundew
- Shaft
- Shane
- Spike
- Sting
- Taj
- Socrates
- Spock
- Taft
- Tennyson
- Tequila
- The Boss
- Thor
- Titan
- Titus
- Tracker
- Tolstory
- Ulysses
- Ustinov
- Utrillo
- Ra
- Samuomulus
- Saharrai
- Scar
- Uma
- Vader
- Sundrop
- Suwa
- Swala
- Tazruba
- Velvety
- Venus
- Van Gogh
- Verdi
- Vivaldi
- Waldo
- Warhol
- Wahabi
- Yamaha
- Yami
- Yani
- Yasha
- Zahara
- Trapper
- Trouble
- Turbo
- Zak
- Zane
- Zen
- Zeeshan
- Zihar
- Zorain
- Zorian
- Zoya
- Zena
- Zeus
- Zion
- Zora
Unique Egyptian Cat Names
When we hear word Egypt or Egyptian, we immediately think of something mystical and unique. Well, here are unique cat names inspired by Egypt.
- Akil
- Ako
- Amenhotep
- Amenti
- Anubis
- Anwar
- Bakara
- Bast
- Bastet
- Bubu
- Buto
- Cairo
- Femi
- Geb
- Gizeh
- Hammurabi
- Hasina
- Hathor
- Hatshepsut
- Hebony
- Hondo
- Horus
- Imhotep
- Isis
- Jafari
- Kebi
- Kesi
- Khait
- Khepry
- Kifi
- Kissa
- Kiya
- Layla
- Luxor
- Mandisa
- Mesi
- Miu
- Miw-Sheer
- Monifa
- Mut
- Nassar
- Nefertiti
- Nofret
- Nuri
- Omari
- Osiris
- Pasht
- Pharaoh
- Qeb
- Rahotep
- Ramses
- Rashida
- Sabah
- Scarab
- Sekhmet
- Set
- Seth
- Siti
- Sobek
- Sphinx
- Suez
- Tabia
- Tefnut
- Thoth
- Thutmose
- Tut
- Tutankhamen
- Ubasti
- Wati
- Zuberi
Unique Funny Cat Names
Cats are very funny pets. Youtube and other social media are full of hilarious videos of crazy and funny cats. Here are the funniest unique cat names.
- Acrobat
- Afro
- Alf
- Alibi
- Argyle
- Astro
- Audacity
- Babykins
- Bad Leory
- Bailey
- Ballyhoo
- Bambino
- Barbarella
- Basil
- Beamer (BMW)
- Bebop
- Bigwig
- Bing Clawsby
- Binky
- Bippity
- Bissel
- Bitzie-Pookums
- Blabber
- Bling
- Blob Cat
- Blooper
- Bobo
- Bodeohoh
- Bon Bon
- Bonkers
- Bonzer
- Boodle
- Boodle-Ookins
- Boppo
- Bouncer
- Brazen
- Breezy
- Brit
- Bubba
- Bumblekins
- Bumptious
- Bungle
- Bushwacker
- Buzz
- Cactus
- Can-Can
- Caprice
- Captain Flash
- Carom
- Cat Ballou
- Catzilla
- Chaos
- Chariman Meow
- Chaser
- Checkers
- Cheeky
- Cheese Ball
- Cheeser
- Cheshire
- Christmas
- Chubby Bumpkins
- Chubby-Wobby
- Claw
- Colossus
- Confetti
- Count Pounce
- Crackers
- Crazy
- Crumpet
- Cupid
- Curious Cat
- Curly
- Cutsy-Wootsie
- Dabble
- Dandy
- Dapple
- Dazzler
- Deeber
- Destructo
- Diddle-Diddle
- Dido
- Dinky
- Dino
- Dixie
- Dobby
- Dolby
- Domino
- Doodles
- Doofus
- Dr. Doeslittle
- Dr. Doolittle
- Drama Queen
- Dreamer
- Dumpling
- Dust Devil
- Eatbugs
- Echo
- Éclair
- Feisty
- Fendi
- Fiasco
- Fiddle-Dee-Dee
- Fidgets
- Figaro
- Filbert
- Fireball
- Firecracker
- Firefly
- Fizz
- Flibbertigibbet
- Flipflop
- Flutterby
- Flyball
- Folly
- Fondue
- Foss
- Frady Cat
- Frazzle
- Freckles
- Fritter
- Fuzzy-Muzzle
- Gabby
- Gadget
- Gargantua
- Gatta
- Gazpacho
- Gee Willikers
- Gelato
- General Muff
- Genie
- Genious
- Gherkin
- Gilligan
- Gismo
- Goliath
- Gumdrop
- Gummo
- Gumshoe
- Guru
- Hairy
- Half-pint
- Harlequin
- Harpo
- Hell Cat
- Herr Ball
- Hod Rod
- Hodge Podge
- Hollywood
- Hooligan
- Hoopla
- Hoover
- Hopalong
- Hot Dog
- Hulk
- Hullabalo
- Humdinger
- Hummer
- Iggy
- Ingo
- Inkling
- Iota
- Jabberwocky
- Jeckles
- Jingles
- Jolly
- Jubilee
- Judge Mental
- Jump
- Kallibunker
- Katy-Did-It
- Keepsake
- Kerfuffle
- Kerplunk
- Kitkat
- Kitten Caboodle
- Kitty Wampus
- Kiwi
- Klee
- Kneady
- KnickKnack
- Kooky
- Korbel
- Krazy Kat
- Kudos
- Kumquat
- Lazy
- Le Docteur
- Lillie Langtry
- Livewire
- Loco
- Lollipop
- Lolly
- Lorna Doone
- Lotus
- Lumpkin
- Macaroni
- Madame Vanity
- Margarita
- Marmalade
- Marshmallow
- Mata Hari
- Mayo
- Meatball
- Meems
- Milktoast
- Mimosa
- Miscreant
- Miss Congeniality
- Miss Jingles
- Miss Manners
- Miss Priss
- Moby
- Momo
- Moochie
- Moonshine
- Moppet
- Baggy
- Blinx
- Doozie
- Frazz
- Mousetrap
- Mr. Waddles
- Motley
- Mousse
- Mr.Bickles
- Mr.Big Stuff
- Mr.Bizzy
- Mr.Jinx
- Mr.Noodles
- Mr.So and So
- Mr.Underfoot
- Crankypaws
- Mr./Ms.Grumpus
- Ms.Demeanor
- Mustard
- Nacho
- Natty
- Naxle
- Nibbles
- Nimbus
- Nip
- Nipper
- Nitro
- Noodles
- Nutter Butter
- Oats
- Oregano
- Oreo
- Paddy
- Padfoot
- Peanut
- Peanut Butter
- Pee Wee
- Peekaboo
- Pepe le Pew
- Pepsi
- Pickles
- Picky Picky
- Pidge
- Piglet
- Ping-Pong
- Pinkle Purr
- Pitter Pat
- Poindexter
- Pollyanna
- Polo
- Pom Pom
- Pookins
- Poopsie
- Popinjay
- Prowler
- Puck
- Puddin’ Head
- Puddy Tat
- Puff
- Punkin Pooh
- Quasimodo
- Quiver
- Raffles
- Rainbow
- Rapscallion
- RazzleDazzle
- Razzmatazz
- Reeses Pieces
- Riddles
- Rimpo
- Ringleader
- Ripley
- Rumball
- Rumpus
- Salsa
- Sassifrass
- Scalawag
- Scampi
Unique Grey Cat Names
Is your cat grey? Or at least grayish. There are a lot of cat breeds that are naturally grey and there are a lot of cats that have one or two shades of grey. Let’s take a look at grey unique cat names.
- Twilight
- Twister
- Whale
- Wire
- Zane Grey
- Aluminum
- Ash
- Battleship
- Blue
- Bullet
- Chrome
- Cinder
- Cloud
- Cobweb
- Dime
- Dolphin
- Donkey
- Dorian Gray
- Dumbo
- Dusk
- Dusty
- Earl Grey
- Elephant
- Feather
- Flint
- Fog
- Foggy
- Foil
- Gandalf
- Granite
- Graphite
- Greymalkin
- Gris
- Grizzle
- Gunsmoke
- Hickory
- Hippo
- Horseshoe
- Iron
- Koala Bear
- Lemur
- Feldspar
- Freya
- Graymar
- Mercury
- Mica
- Moonstone
- Mist
- Misty
- Moonshadow
- Mouse
- Nickle
- Nickles
- Pebble
- Pelican
- Pewter
- Platinum
- Quarter
- Rhino
- Seagull
- Seal
- Shade
- Shadow
- Shadowfoot
- Shady Lady
- Shark
- Silver
- Slate
- Smokey
- Smudge
- Sooty
- Squirrel
- Steel
- Steel Wool
- Sterling
- Storm
- Stormie
- Stormy
- Teflon
- Thunderhead
- Timber Wolfe
- Tin Man
- Turtle Dove
- Shale
- Silver Bay
- Tin Tin
Unique Long Hair Cat Names
Is your cat long haired? Maybe you got a Persian or Maine Coon. For all those furry cats here are some of the most unique names for long haired cats.
- Furball
- Alfie
- Fuzz
- Ape
- Fuzzball
- Aslan
- Fuzzy
- Bam-Bam
- Fuzzybutt
- Bangs
- Goldilocks
- Barbie
- Goose
- Beard
- Gorilla
- Beatle
- Greystoke
- Bushy
- Hair
- Cashmere
- Hairball
- Chewbacca
- Hairpiece
- Chewy
- Harry
- Chicken
- Hippy
- Chimp
- Kerrigan
- Chimpanzee
- Kudzu
- Clean
- Locks
- Coon
- Mop
- Coiffures
- Neanderthal
- Cowlick
- Rapunzel
- Doo
- Ringo
- Downy
- Rug
- Drapes
- Duck
- Shag
- Extra
- Shaggy
- Fabio
- Tarzan
- Feathers
- Toupee
- Fifth Beatle
- Tresses
- Fluff
- Vines
- Fluffers
- Weeds
- Fluffy
- Wig
- Frizzy
- XL
- Fur
Unique Mixed Breed Cat Names
If you have mixed breed then these unique names for cats are perfect.
- Abstract
- Idea
- Animal
- International
- Art
- It
- Banana Split
- Laboratory
- Beast
- Lottery
- Beasty
- M & M’s
- Beasty Boy
- Martini
- Melting Pot
- Booger
- Milkshake
- Candy
- Mingle
- Casserole
- Miracle
- Catdog
- Mix
- Catfish
- Mixed Nuts
- Cheeseburger
- Mixture
- Chemistry
- Mutt
- Chess
- New World Order
- Chess Pieces
- Omelet
- Clash
- One Of A Kind
- Cloudy
- Patchwork
- Cocktail
- PB & J
- Collage
- Pizza
- Collection
- Poker Hand
- Colors
- Potion
- Combo
- Potpie
- Cornucopia
- Providence
- Creativity
- Punch
- Critter
- Question
- Question Mark
- De Facto
- Destiny
- Recipe
- Dream
- Rockabilly
- Enigma
- Rocky Road
- Experiment
- Salad
- Fancy
- Sandwich
- Fashion Statement
- Solution
- Fate
- Soup
- Freak
- Surreal
- Freaky
- Stew
- Fruit Basket
- Sundae
- Fruitcake
- Testtube
- Full House
- The Cards
- Funny
- The Numbers
- Funny Face
- The Odds
- Graffiti
- Theory
- Granola
- Tutie Fruitie
- Guess
- United Nations
- Harmony
- Unique
- Hypothesis
- Varmit
- Icky
- Yin & Yang
Unique Orange Cat Names
Is your cat orange? Or has some shades of orange color. If yes, you could take a look at these unique orange cat names for inspiration.
- Amaretto
- Amber
- Apricot
- Aspen
- Aurora
- Autumn
- Basketball
- Berry
- Big Red
- Blondie
- Blush
- Bourbon
- Brick
- Bronze
- Buff
- Butterscotch
- Cabernet Franc
- Cabernet Sauvignon
- Candy Corn
- Cantaloupe
- Carrot
- Carrot Top
- Cayenne
- Chedder Cheese
- Cheetos
- Cherry
- Chianti
- Chili
- Chutney
- Copper
- Coral
- Cranberry
- Currant
- Dawn
- Ember
- Fawn
- Fire
- Flame
- Garnet
- Ginger
- Goldfish
- Goldie
- Gooseberry
- Grenache
- Grenadine
- Guava
- Heart
- Henna
- Honey
- Jack O’ Lantern
- Jaffa
- Jasper
- Lava
- Lion
- Lobster
- Lucille
- Malbec
- Mamaduke
- Mandarin
- Mango
- Maraschino
- Marigold
- Marsala
- Melon
- Monarch
- Morris
- Nasturtium
- Nesbitt’s Soda
- Nutmeg
- Orange
- Orange Crush
- Orange Julius
- Orlando
- Papaya
- Paprika
- Peaches
- Pepperoni
- Persimmon
- Petite Sirah
- Phoenix
- Pineapple
- Pinot Noir
- Plum
- Poinsettia
- Poppy
- Pumpkin
- Quince
- Raspberry
- Red Pepper
- Rosalie
- Rosanna
- Rose
- Rosé
- Rose Red
- Rosso
- Rosy
- Rouge
- Ruby
- Rufus
- Rum
- Rusty
- Salmon
- Sangiovese
- Scarlett
- Seville
- Sherry
- Shiraz
- Shrimp
- Sorrel
- Strawberry
- Sunbeam
- Sunflower
- Sunkiss
- Sunkist
- Sunrise
- Sweet Potato
- Syrah
- Tang
- Tangerine
- Tansy
- Tawny
- Terracotta
- Tigger
- Titian
- Tomato Bisque
- Valentine
- Vin Gris
- Yam
- Zinfandel
Unique Stray Cat Names
Have you saved a strayed cat? You want a unique name that would resemble your new stray cat? Then these unique names for stray cats are for you.
- Able
- Homebody
- Abraham
- Homie
- Achievement
- Hoanna
- Huckleberry Finn
- Alley
- Hunter
- Annie
- Indie
- Asphalt
- Inmate
- Blue Light Special
- Jonah
- Brave
- Braveheart
- Bravery
- Leftovers
- Buccaneer
- Liberty
- Captain Marvel
- Little John
- Cause
- Lone Ranger
- Cavalier
- Loner
- Champ
- Lucky
- Chance
- Charity
- Money’s Worth
- Chase
- Mork
- Moses
- Clean-And-Sober
- Mother Jones
- Clear
- Night
- Clearance
- Nomad
- Oliver
- Content
- Orphan
- Covenant
- Orphan Annie
- Cowboy
- Precious
- Coyote
- Promise
- Crash
- Ragamuffin
- Ragedy
- Don Quixote
- Rags-To-Riches
- Easy Rider
- Rescue
- Eric The Red
- Riff-Raff
- E.T.
- Robin Hood
- Explorer
- Robinson Cruisoe
- Run
- Finders
- Runaway
- Finders Keepers
- St. John The Baptist
- Found
- Second Hand
- Free
- Freebie
- Soldier
- Freedom
- Strong
- G.I.
- Survivor
- Gracia
- Thanksgiving
- Good Karma
- Thank You
- Guts
- Tourist
- Gutsy
- Traveler
- Hallelujah
- Twist Of Fate
- Hand-Me-Down
- Ulysseus
- Happy
- Vagabond
- Hardy
- Vagrant
- Hero
- Heroic
- Warrior
- Hobo
- Welcome
- Home
- Wild Thing
Unique Tuxedo Cat Names
Black and white cats are beautiful. We have some really unique cat names for tuxedo cats. Take a look.
- Touch Of Class
- Dressed To Kill
- Mime
- Abe
- Dressy
- Minnie
- Duds
- Old Hickory
- Abraham Lincoln
- Duke
- Opera
- Andrew
- Duke Of Earl
- Andrew Jackson
- Earl
- Oxford
- Andy
- Ebony-And-Ivory
- Pageantry
- Aristocat
- Panda
- Ballroom
- Fancy Pants
- Pengui
- Banquet
- Best Man
- Formal
- Pomp-And-Circumstance
- Blue-Blood
- Foxy
- President
- Bowtie
- Gala
- Prince
- Cambridge
- Genteel
- Princeton
- Chap
- Gentry
- Prom
- Chaplan
- Godfather
- Prom Date
- Charlie Chaplan
- Governor
- Ritzy
- Chef
- Grand
- Roosevelt
- Half Moon
- Salt-And-Pepper
- Handsome
- Silent Movie
- Chief
- Harvard
- Socks
- Class
- High Class
- Sophisticated
- Classy
- James Bond
- Sylvester
- Jeeves
- Tap Dancer
- To The Nines
- Courtly
- Upper Class
- King
- Upper Crust
- Dinner
- La-Di-Da
- Wedding
- White Sox
- Dominos
- MC
- Double
- Mickey
- Yin-And-Yang
Related: Black Cat Names – 200+ Names For Black Cats
Unique Cat Names
Here are some cat names that are just unique.
- Abernathy
- Aisha
- Alto
- Apache
- Apollo
- Argo
- Asterix
- Atilla
- Azure
- Baldric
- Barrington
- Beauregard
- Bistro
- Bristles
- Broderick
- Calypso
- Cappuccino
- Caramelo
- Casanova
- Cassidy
- Charleston
- Cognac
- Cyclone
- Czar
- Darby
- Diesel
- Double Dare
- Dreamweaver
- Ecstasy
- Edsel
- Emperor
- Espresso
- Ethel
- Eton
- Faberge
- Fauntleroy
- Feng Shui
- Freeze Frame
- Gardenia
- Gift
- Ginseng
- Gladstone
- Godiva
- Graves
- Griselda
- Guinevere
- Hallmark
- Harrod
- Hawkeye
- Hurricane
- Igor
- India
- Jonquil
- Kimba
- Lancelot
- Legacy
- Leica
- Libra
- Liriope
- Loki
- Long Shot
- Macavity
- Magenta
- Mahogany
- Mariposa
- Maze
- Minette
- Mistral
- Montague
- Dagmar
- Fritzie
- Luella
- Mukisa
- Norbert
- Osbert
- Narcissa
- Octavia
- Omen
- Peony
- Piccolo
- Ratatouille
- Remus
- Roma
- Sage
- Savanne
- Serafina
- Silk
- Siren
- Sopwith
- Spice
- Tamarind
- Tartan
- Tavistock
- Tortie
- Tristin
- Typhoon
- Utopia
- Vodka
- Wegie
- Wembley
- Wolfgang
- Xeno
- Yasmin
- Ozzie
- Youngling
Unusual Cat Names
Some call it unique, some call it unusual and others rare. If you are searching for unusual cat names check these ones out.
- Adrian
- Aja
- Ambros
- Antares
- Ares
- Aries
- Asteriod
- Astra
- Atlas
- Avalon
- Baguette
- Bamboo
- Bentley
- Brass
- Buckingham
- Cadbury
- Cameo
- Carlo
- Charade
- China
- Columbo
- Cordelia
- Cricket
- Daiquiri
- Dakota
- Dill
- Double Trouble
- Eden
- Elite
- Esprit
- Fabian
- Fantasia
- Felice
- Flambeau
- Florian
- Friday
- Garcia
- Gato
- Gingko
- Giovanni
- Gobi
- Gourmand
- Grandiose
- Grog
- Gulliver
- Hamish
- Hansel
- Higgins
- Icon
- Inca
- Indigo
- Jordache
- Kiku
- Kodiak
- Langley
- Legend
- Lentil
- London
- Lulu
- Maestro
- Magnolia
- Malibu
- Meep
- Minerva
- Mosaic
- Nebulous
- Odin
- Orchid
- Pesto
- Pip
- Poseidon
- Pym
- Raya
- Revlon
- Sampson
- Savoy
- Sesame
- Sir Lionel
- Sky
- Soy
- Talisman
- Thistle
- Tiffin
- Tosca
- Truffle
- Tuppence
- Umberto
- Valeria
- Valmon
- Willow
- Xaver
- Yankee
- Yeti
- Ynez
- Yoga
- Yosemite
- Zenith
Unique White Cats Names
White cats are unique just by appearance. It is not easy to find a great name for a white kitten. For that reason here some of the unique names for white cats.
- Al-bino
- Alpine
- Angel
- Angelica
- Avalanche
- Blanca
- Blizzard
- Bubble
- Bunny
- Butterfly
- Casper
- Cotton
- Cottonball
- Cue Ball
- Cupcake
- Cutie
- Daisy – White flower
- Diamond
- Everest
- Faith
- Flurry
- Frost
- Frosty
- Fubuki-snowstorm
- Ghost
- Glitter
- Hikari- light
- Hope
- Ice
- Ice Whine
- Ice-ing
- Icicle
- Isabella White
- Ivory
- Jack Frost
- January
- Kami-spirit
- Krystal
- Kumo-cloud -or- spider
- Lily – White flowers
- Marshmellow
- Milky
- Opal
- Paint
- Pearl
- Powder
- Puffball
- Puffy
- Pure
- Purina
- Purrl
- Q-tip
- Seymour
- Shimmer
- Snow White
- Snowball
- Snowbell
- Snowbird
- SnowDrift
- Snowfall
- Snowflake
- Snowkitty
- Snowshoe
- Snowshoes
- Snowstorm
- Snowtiger
- Snowy
- Spirit
- Sugar
- Sugardumplin
- Talcum as in Talcum powder
- Vanilla
- Vanilla Ice
- Whispurr
- White arrow
- White chocolate
- White dwarf
- White Vader
- Whitegirl
- Whitegold
- Whitened
- Whiteness
- Whitepaw
- Whitetiger
- Whitey Ford
- Whity
- Windy
- Winter
- Yuki-snow
Unique Brown Cat Names
Brown cat names that are unique and original.
- Bear
- Bronson
- Brownie
- Bruno
- Cadbury
- Chestnut
- Chip
- Chocolate
- Coca
- Coco
- Cocoa
- Coke
- Cola
- Cookie
- Duncan
- Fudge
- Hazel
- Hershey
- Khaki
- Kodiak
- Kona
- Latte
- Mahogany
- Maria
- Mocha
- Molasses
- Pepper
- Pepsi
- Pretzel
- Scorch
- Sienna
- Tawny
- Toasty
- Topaz
- Truffles
Unique Black Cat Names
And for the black cats that are unique by nature, here are some of the most unique names for black cats.
- Baskerville
- Blackberry
- Blackie
- Carbon
- Charcoal
- Ebony
- Eightball
- Expresso
- Guinness
- Indigo
- Inky
- Ivory
- Jet
- Licorice
- Midnight
- Mora
- Othello
- Pepper
- Prune
- Raven
- Shadow
- Sooty
- Storm
- Sweep
- Vader
- Velvet
More Cat Names
If you didn’t find the name that will be the one for your cat we have many more unique cat names on Cat Names Unique. Or if you feel we missed some really unique cat name, please let us know in the comment section below. We would love to hear your suggestions.