HomeCat BreedsBirman Cat

Birman Cat

Also known as the Sacred Cat of Burma, Birman Cats should not be confused with the Burmese Cats, because they are totally a different breed. In appearance, the Birman has long hair, a body which is of pale color and darker points on the body with deep blue eyes. It was first recognized as a separate breed in 1925 in France. The International Cat Association recognized it in 1979.

Birman Cat Appearance

Birman Cats have special and distinctive sapphire blue eyes, which remain of the same color throughout their lives. However, they are of a small size and as compared to the other breeds of cats, the eye diameter is considered to be considerably small.

The fur of Birman Kittens, even though is long and stocky, is not prone to matting, and the fur makes a Birman Cat look stocky. Since these cats do not have any sort of undercoating, this factor makes their fur less thin as compared to other cats, and they therefore require some weekly combing.

The Birman Cats are known for their beautiful appearance, particularly when they start developing color. They possess long and silky hair, which covers their semi-cobby body. They have relatively small ears as compared to the other cat races. Their nose is typically defined as a Roman nose. Depending on the intensity of their color, the Birman’s body should be of eggshell or of golden color.

The markings in Birman Cats can be of any of the major types such as chocolate, pure seal, blue, lilac, red or cream.

Birman Cat Behavior

Birman Cats are not great climbers; therefore, even when they grow up, they remain confined to the ground level mostly. They are very gentle and this makes them extremely suitable for homes that have children. The best thing about Birman Cat is that they avoid roughhouse in their play and are considered to be overly aggressive for attention. They seem to understand when their master is busy with some work. However, they prefer someone being around them and do not enjoy when left alone for long periods of time.

Birmans have a wonderful relaxed temperament, they are intelligent, patient, affectionate, playful & people orientated. The Birman is inquisitive, likes to be with you, to know what you are doing & will even try to help you.

Birmans have a very easy care coat. A brush once a week is recommended and is a good bonding time between you and your Birman.

Birman Kittens

Birman Cat Personality

You may be curious what the Birman cat personality is like and how their temperament compares to other breeds of cats.

In general, Birmans are considered to be very social cats that enjoy interaction with humans. They are usually quiet, affectionate and laid back cats that do well with families and other pets. Although Birman owners and breeders may be biased, many swear that the Birman is one of the most lovable felines that you can get.

As with all cat breeds there can be exceptions. Each cat usually has their own individual personality that may or may not match to breed characteristics. If you plan on getting a Birman cat as a pet and you have children or other pets in your home, it is best to get one as early as possible.

As a kitten it is easier to socialize and get your Birman comfortable with living in a more hectic environment.

Birman Cat Special Color Characteristics

Birman Kittens are characteristically born white. They start developing their colors when they are 1 week old and the indication is that they have seal points that start to develop. Then, when they are 14 days old, they may have a clear point, which is known as lilac point. The first anatomical regions, where points start to develop are ears, nose and tail. Birman Cats have the total color pattern developed when they complete their two years of life, and when the second year ends with a wintery season, it is then that they develop the best color.

The feet of Birman cats remain white, and the white color stops between second or third paw joints. However, there are some Birman cats in which the white color rises higher than the paw.

Birman Cats Colors

The Birman is available in a number of colors. This refers to the color of the face, ears, legs and tail. All Birmans have blue eye color, which will vary in intensity between individuals as well as white feet, which will also vary in quantity.

  • Seal Pt
  • Blue Pt
  • Chocolate Pt
  • Lilac Pt
  • Red Pt
  • Cream Pt
  • Tortie Pt
  • Tabby Pt

Seal Point Birman

This is the traditional Birman color, a rich, deep seal brown that has a wonderful warmth to it. It shows the most contrast of color compared to all other colors available and is always so very popular.

Blue Point Birman

Always a popular color as it is so well known, along with the traditional seal point. A soft blue/gray color to the points.

Chocolate Point Birman

A pale, but warm milk chocolate color to the points. This color tends to keep a paler body compared to its next of kin, the seal.

Lilac Point Birman

A soft, pinkish grey color to the points. This is quite a feminine color, very subtle and slow to develop, so expect lilac kittens to have little real color at 12 weeks of age, just enough to see the markings.

Red Point Birman

A wonderful, vibrant, rich red to the point areas of the Birman. This is a slow color to develop, so often kittens will be quite white with just a smudge of red up the nose and the tail until mature.

Cream Point Birman

This should be a soft, pastel cream on the point areas and can take some months before the full color is seen.

Tortie Point Birman

This pattern can be available in all the colors, but only in females! So it is possible to have a seal tortie point, a blue tortie, chocolate tortie and a lilac tortie point. It is a combination of colors splashed with cream and /or red to give a very striking appearance.

Tabby Point Birman

Tabby points show delicate tabby stripes on the face, up the legs and on the tail. The ears are solid but with what looks like a paler thumb print on the back of each ear. The pattern becomes more distinct with age and is available in all the colors of the Birman.

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